Project info

  • New Construction
  • New Construction

  • Fallbrook, CA

  • Baseball - 186 Spectator Seats

  • 500,000

  • Estimated Start Summer 2023

  • Fallbrook Union High School District

Baseball Bleachers - Replacement Project

Project Information

Project Type
New Construction

Fallbrook Union High School District

Baseball – 186 spectator seats

Fallbrook, CA


Project Overview

This project includes the demolition and removal of existing baseball bleachers that no longer meet ADA accessibility code requirements. This project would ensure that the new bleachers are ADA compliant. There will also be some minor site accessibility upgrades to the adjacent sidewalk, asphalt crosswalk, and curb ramps. The existing concrete bleachers would be replaced by cast-in-place concrete bleachers that would seat approximately 186 spectators including accessible seating.